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The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Volume 73, Issues 1-2,
Pages 1-92 (1 May 2000)

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Ability of xeno- and phytoestrogens to modulate expression of estrogen-sensitive genes in rat uterus: estrogenicity profiles and uterotropic activity, Pages 1-10
Patrick Diel, Thorsten Schulz, Kai Smolnikar, Elisabeth Strunck, Günter Vollmer and Horst Michna
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Aldosterone alters the phospholipid composition of rat colonocytes, Pages 11-17
L. Mrnka, O. Nováková, F. Novák, E. Tvrzická and J. Pácha
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Absence of correlation between in situ expression of cytochrome P450 17 hydroxylase/lyase and 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/5¯4 isomerase messenger ribonucleic acids and steroidogenesis during pubertal development in the rat testis, Pages 19-28
Serdia O. Mack, Wesley M. Garrett and H. David Guthrie
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Response of estrogen receptor containing tumour cells to pure antiestrogens and the calmodulin inhibitor, calmidzolium chloride, Pages 29-38
Christopher J. Newton, Katherine Eycott, Victoria Green and Stephen L. Atkin
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Excretion balance and metabolism of the progestagen Org 30659 in healthy postmenopausal women, Pages 39-48
C. H. J. Verhoeven, R. H. M. Gloudemans, G. M. M. Groothuis, I. M. C. M. Rietjens and R. M. E. Vos
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Multiple isoforms of porcine aromatase are encoded by three distinct genes, Pages 49-57
L. G. Graddy, A. A. Kowalski, F. A. Simmen, S. L. F. Davis, W. W. Baumgartner and R. C. M. Simmen
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In vivo estrogen bioactivities and in vitro estrogen receptor binding and transcriptional activities of anticoagulant synthetic 17-aminoestrogens, Pages 59-66
Ruth Jaimez, Austin Cooney, Kathy Jackson, Ana E. Lemus, Cristina Lemini, Mario Cárdenas, Rocio García, Griselda Silva and Fernando Larrea
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Effect of natural "micronized" progesterone on the chorionic gonadotropin concentrations in cyst fluids of women with gross cystic breast disease, Pages 67-70
Pablo J. Enriori, Rene J. P. Hirsig, Clelia M. Vico, Alberto E. Etkin, Juan C. Negri and Carlos L. Enriori
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Role of rat adrenal antioxidant defense systems in the aldosterone turn-off phenomenon, Pages 71-78
Tetsuya Suwa, Tomoatsu Mune, Hiroyuki Morita, Hisashi Daido, Masanao Saio and Keigo Yasuda
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Cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) in testicular cells. Cell specific expression, differential regulation and targeting of subunits of PKA, Pages 81-92
Vidar Hansson, Bjørn S. Skålhegg and Kjetil Taskén
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